Your Essential New Year's Resolution: Establishing a Protection Plan for Your Children

As the New Year arrives, full of hope and aspirations for a brighter future, a crucial resolution should be at the forefront – crafting a Kids Protection Plan™. The thought of a future where you are not present for your children may be daunting, but establishing a plan ensures that, in the event of your incapacity or passing, your children remain with those they know and trust, rather than leaving their fate to chance or the discretion of a family court judge.

This isn’t just another item on your checklist; it's an act of providing enduring safety and comfort for your children. So, why should this be your most significant resolution for 2024? Continue reading to discover the reasons.

The Risk of Foster Care Due to Unexpected Events

Consider a situation where your children are with a babysitter, and you unexpectedly don't return home due to an accident that leaves you incapacitated in the hospital. The babysitter, lacking legal authority, cannot keep your children until you recover or a Permanent Guardian is legally appointed. Even if you have designated a Permanent Guardian for your kids, this doesn't immediately grant them the legal right to take care of your children.

In such cases, law enforcement might have to place your children in protective custody with social services. A Kids Protection Plan™ fills this critical void by providing legal documents and directives for Temporary Legal Guardians, who are empowered with immediate legal authority to look after your children until you can return or a Permanent Guardian is officially appointed by the court. This essential planning reduces the chance of your children being placed in foster care or under the care of a relative you wouldn't choose to be responsible for them.

Planning Lets You Pick Who Cares for Your Kids - Not a Judge

Is there someone in your life whom you unequivocally would never want raising your kids? Even if you’ve already named Permanent Legal Guardians for them, it’s still up to a judge to make the official determination of who should raise your children long-term. If this person is an immediate family member, the judge may choose them as your kids’ Permanent Legal Guardian if they come forward as a candidate, despite what your Permanent Guardian Nomination paperwork says.

A comprehensive Kids Protection Plan™ confidentially excludes anyone you would never want raising your kids and provides crucial information about your decision to exclude them that can be presented to the judge if needed. With this confidential document, you ensure that your children are always kept away from someone you wouldn't want as their Legal Guardian.

Your Personal Wishes for Your Children's Education, Health, and Finances

As a parent, you have unique preferences for your children's education, healthcare, and financial future. A Kids Protection Plan™ enables you to express these specific wishes in detail, offering guidance to your children’s Legal Guardians and maintaining the comfort of their familiar routines.

Additionally, clear directives to potential guardians help ensure that your children's upbringing reflects your personal values and goals. This planning not only safeguards their future but also offers you deep insight into your own priorities as a parent.

All-Encompassing Safeguard for Your Most Treasured Loved Ones

Merely appointing Permanent Legal Guardians is important, but it may not cover all eventualities. A comprehensive Kids Protection Plan™ takes a more all-encompassing approach. It covers contingencies such as temporary caregiver situations, specifically excludes individuals you don't want as guardians, and clearly articulates your distinct wishes for your children's overall well-being. This thorough plan ensures your children are in the hands of individuals who will honor and uphold your parenting values.

If establishing a Kids Protection Plan™ is at the top of your New Year’s resolutions list, the initial step is to arrange your Life & Legacy Planning Session™. In this session, we employ a unique and heartfelt approach to develop a plan that mirrors your desires, safeguards your family’s future, and incorporates a Kids Protection Plan™.

Unlike other New Year's resolutions that might be challenging to maintain, we are committed to guiding and supporting you through every phase. We ensure that your Kids Protection Plan™ provides optimal protection for your loved ones, both now and in the years ahead.

To discover more about our process and to book your Life & Legacy Planning Session™, click the link below for a complimentary consultation.

This article is a service of 20WestLegal LLC. We don't just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death for yourself and the people you love. That's why we offer a Planning Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you've ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. You can begin by calling our office today to schedule an Initial Planning Session and mention this article to find out how to get this $750 session at no charge.

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.